Friday, August 7, 2009

Final Guiding Principles

I realized it was time to really look at my principles. When I first wrote about them (30 blogs ago!) I was just starting out, didn't have my PLN and didn't know the fast paced life I would be leading in this course. I go into the school year excited but reminding myself that technology might be fun but is it accomplishing what I need it to in the classroom.

1. The tech needs to be aligned with the content standards. I want to use technology as a tool to bring better understanding to my students. This means looking at the content they need to know and deciding how to present it, what tool will accomplish this best. Old things in new ways are good.

2. The technology needs to be student centered. I want my students to want to learn and this is not always the case. If the tools I use in the classroom force them to take the reins and giude their own learning that is a huge positive. Ownership of the learning comes when students possess the tools, dig for the knowledge, and produce a product they are proud of.

3. The technology needs to be relevant. Teaching high school now makes me mindful that these students will soon be college students and entering the work force. Will the technology that I teach them be useful? I was them to see relevance in what they do in class to what their future looks like. Also it needs to be relevant to the global world. Our students need to think beyond our samll county borders (tough to do in small town) and beyond our state and national borders as well.

4. The technology should work toward inquiry. Inquiry based learning in the sciences is the not in the future it is now. It is proven that inquiry based learning is more relevant and meaningful. Can the technology I choose facilitate inquiry? This is where the data bases and inquiry projects online will work well.

5. The teacher needs to master the technology first. I do not want to get excited about a technology and pass it along without fully understanding the ins and outs of it. This will require time and effort on my part and may only allow me to add in small bits but I will add quality when I hand the technology to my students. It is important that I can help them, many will be fearfull of something new.

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