Friday, August 14, 2009

Mid August and Fabulous Quotes

The photo is a crane that landed high in the trees by our local creek.
The first afternoon I actually sat and did nothing was strange!! I kept saying "I really have nothing that I have to do" No blog to update, tweet to post, site to find, question to answer, tech to play with, I think this is what they call summer vacation. Wow. I need to enjoy it- I only have a few more weeks of it. Loved my summer courses, now how to implement them into the class.

Spent time in the classroom yesterday getting boxes put away and setting up my new desk.The contruction has not gone smoothly (last week all the lights in 3 rooms fell, mine included) There is dust everywhere and a hired cleaning crew coming in to clean (again). Roof is not finished, tiles in the main hall are 80% done and the office staff did move back into the building. Will it all be finished by September??? Maybe not!

ON the tech side...I will not have my smartboard until Nov, maybe December. After using it all last year now I have to rethink and find overheads. Any video from youtube will be blocked for students and with no smartboad I can't show them. Uggg. What will I really be able to do technology wise is up in the air a little.

Found a great quote for the classroom ecology unit that our 40 week class is starting with-

"In the end, we will conserve only what we love.
We will love only what
we understand.
We will understand only what we are taught."
- Babi Dioun, African ecologist

Any one else use great quotes in the classroom? I am thinking of posting it over the main board.


  1. Sandra,
    Great post! Wish I had weeks left --- I start classes next Th and meetings on Monday! I use weekly quotes on the board. M older kids like them best. Here is one for your collection -- I will add yours to my list! Enjoy doing nada--I still have a course in progress...grrrrrr.

    Good learning begins with passion and relationships and ends with complexity and change.

  2. Susan, so good to hear from you. I am hoping we can stay in touch.Love your quote! Of ocurse the goal is to change the quote so your will go on the blog.
    Our staff day is the 1st but school starts on the 8th. That is a nice break to get things ready.
    Have you added me to your twitter?? Keep in touch.

  3. Hi Sandy,
    I appreciate your quote. I think I saw it in "Last Child in the Woods" and thought I would use it as part of my introduction to the new school year.
    I'm going to be using A. Einstein quotes this year. I don't use weekly quotes every year, but I often do. I notice them, even if the students don't seem to.
