Tuesday, September 1, 2009

working the tech in the class

I spent the past two days in my room. Today was the first teacher day. We do wellness activities- everyone even administration! of the 20 activities (bowling, archery, dodge ball, biking included) I selected aerobics and a walk through our historic cemetery in town. We had full staff and building meetings. for teachers it was really like the first day of school- seeing everyone after the long summer. A great day despite the construction still not being done!

The teacher I am working with did her wiki and unveiled it today. It was great. Now we are wondering how to get kids to use it. Our questions are do they have to register with pbworks, our hosting site? Can we give them codes to get sign in? Do I have to sign up for the annual fee for management? I thought I saw $10 one time to allow for some management now I don't see it.
It will be quite a challenge to make it work.

We sent in labs for copies today- all total...over 400 copies for the first 3 days. We are even doing some class copies that require only 20 copies. A paperless classroom is still my desire but how?
here are some thoughts--
all written work must be turned in electronically
quizzes done in a e-document
I would appreciate any other thoughts. I would love to do labs electronically but the state says we need to have copies saved for years., just in case they want to see them!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sandy,
    I was also wondering how I would register students, but I think I found an answer. I registered my daughter simply by having her fill in the 'request access" box on the homepage. She did, I said yes, and away she went. We verified that she could edit the wiki, and left it at that. Good luck with all the emails requesting to be added!
