Tuesday, July 21, 2009

PLN for last week

right now I am struggling with a slow computer (OMG) and 5 nephews (under the age of 6) in the same room with me. There is no doing homework here. I got caught up on my network last week before leaving. I am following about 6 tech sites for smartboard users and they deal alot with elementary school. Math was a big subject this week and English is always popular. Where is the Science? I did find Jag Galaxy that is very intersting and fun.

I finally joined the Higher level group on Smartboard Revolution. Sounds like they are more for colleges but it should be useful for HS. I did find a great resource created by Dana Huff. I have been checking out each page as I find time. SB revolution always has some good info, I found Bruce White's rules for effective use of the smartboard. I also learned how to keep my tool bar on the smartboard from defaulitng. I had this problem last year but didn't know how to fix it.

This week I have posted a few things to specific twitter followers. I think maybe Twitter may work, time will tell.
I will not be home until Saturday this week so my power point will not show up until Sunday. All my files are home. And as one sister-in-law asked "how are you getting anything done?" Well not very well. the computer already froze twice, losing all my stuff. I think having 8 tabs open it rough on the system :0 and my personal computer will not keep the wireless connection. Oh well. I am going to try to enjoy the rest of the vacation and play catch up on the weekend.

1 comment:

  1. Five kids under the age of six in one room? Doesn't sound like summer vacation to me.

    The Jag Galaxy is a fun site. Thanks for sharing it.
