I am a little behind. I will blame it on family!
My PLN got an added boost when I replied to the introduction emails sites sent me. With all the checking of blogs, twitters and assignments I forgot to check my email! Now I am really into the sites I want.
I found prezi.com through JakeSchroeder, a biology teacher on twitter. It is definitely interesting. It may make a good visual presentation tool for students to use. I also have some new networks through PBworks- Science In Action. Brad posted a good lab for using Google Earth called WOW Windmills
I also took a workshop for Project Wet. Excellent workshop and the book we received is amazing. Loads of lessons for all age groups. It was recommended by a fellow student from another online MSU class. I learned of the Leaf Pack Network from the instructor. She said I don't really need to order the kit but it was a great method for looking at stream macro invertebrates.
I am making connections with my co workers again and sharing ideas. I am already emailing examples from our class to colleagues. I have so very much enjoyed all your presentations. Some amazing work!!