Tuesday, July 14, 2009

What have I learned- Week 4

From reading other blogs I know we are all learning about ourselves and how we learn best. when overloaded some hide, some shut down, some dive in and gather even more. I have learned I ponder. I walk away but the topic is never leaves my mind. I wake in the morning wondering how to fit it into my life, into my teaching. I jot down ideas on the bedside notebook before I turn in. I talk about it to my family until they scream Enough already.

From my PLN: I jump from one of my blogs I follow and ended up on a teachers wiki. It was just what I was looking for. http://mrboyersclass.pbworks.com/ One of the projects I want to create for the new school year is a wiki page. I like the looks of this wiki so I will begin creating one on PBwiki. I also found ClifNotes. An excellent site that I have enjoyed.
I received news that I am getting a SMARTboard for my high school room (YEAH). I wanted to expand on what I learned last year so I joined TeachersLoveSmartboards, smartboardrevolution and freetech4teachers. I have already listened to two podcasts and learned about filedropper.com for moving files from home to school. My jumps were taking a beating.
I also started planning a lab for september on GoogleDocs so my partnering teacher can work on it with me. I did this after I read about googledocs on a blog I follow, tom barrett

I realize I need specifics from my network. There are blogs that are so general that I would have to check often to see if anything applies. By paring down my network to those I really need I am better able to use my time and actually gain material/instruction that works for me.

Twitter- No, this has flown the nest and is not coming back. Oh well.

Simulations- These are truly wonderful. A picture is worth a thousand words. I just want to be selective. As I move into August and begin planning my first year as a HS biology teacher I will add one to each unit. My delicious account now has some great ones to get me started.

Google Earth- Oh so fun but I will use it sparingly for biology. It has features that I am amazed at but much more suited to Earth Science. Google continues to amaze me.

I have plans for the wiki and will begin building this week. I will do a HS blog but I want a new look that is different from my middle school blog. This I am still pondering.

1 comment:

  1. My standard operation procedure is the same, jump from blog to blog, link to link, until I find something I really like. I'm glad you included the link to Boyer's Wiki, it's pretty cool. I'd love to do something similar in my class this year.
